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It's time to...

Three members will
WIN $1,000* every month

This month, three lucky members will score $1,000* each! Are you feeling lucky?

How does it work?

At times you may not be eligible to finish a survey and will be screened out. Sometimes, you’ll be offered the chance to enter a major prize draw instead of a screener payment. At other times, you’ll get the choice between a prize draw entry or small payment.

Here’s how to grab extra entries

To boost your chances of winning the big prize, you can also choose between your regular cash payment or the equivalent number of entries into the draw – on every paid survey you complete.

Will you be our next winner?

This month we’ll be giving away $1,000* to three lucky members! Each new comp begins on the 15th of the month. So, what are you waiting for? Get your name into the draw now!

Terms and conditions