Bundaberg Regional Council, QPS, QFES AND QAS are imploring Bundaberg region residents to demonstrate their commitment to saving lives by taking the Fatality Free Friday pledge online and sharing in the Australian Road Safety Foundation’s (ARSF) road trauma tribute.
Set to be unveiled on Fatality Free Friday this Friday, 29 May, the tribute will remember the 1,195 lives tragically lost on Australian roads last year with a collection of stories and safety messages from everyday people, frontline workers and those touched by road trauma.
With lower traffic volumes and congestion across the country, Australians are taking extra risks on the roads, which the Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF) is hoping to curb ahead of Fatality Free Friday (29 May).
To drive home the Fatality Free Friday message in the lead up, the ARSF has released its annual research report, which shows one in four drivers admit to taking increased road risks since the implementation of Covid-19 lockdowns.[1]
[1] Research conducted by Pureprofile on behalf of the Australian Road Safety Foundation, April 2020, n=1,005 nationally representative by gender, age and location of Australian drivers aged 18 years and over.